
ASFLA INC is on Social Media

You can connect with ASFLA INC via our social media accounts with Facebook and Twitter and receive the latest news and updates on what is happening in the Australian SFL community.

ASFLAnet mailing list

ASFLA INC has a mailing list for members for announcements regarding events in the ASFLA INC calendar, e.g. conferences, achievements, community news. Join here.

Other Mail Groups

is an international SFL mail group. Join here.

is an Australian SFL mail group. Join here.


International SFL website maintained by Mick O’Donnell.

Website of the International Systemic Functional Linguistics Association.

Appraisal website maintained by Peter White.

Educational Semiotics website maintained by Sally Humphrey and Pauline Jones.

Systemic Language Modelling (SLaM) network  An international network of scholars and research students concerned with cross-linguistic research from the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics.

International Bibliographies of SFL Research

Systemics Bibliographies collates many different publications lists including ones dedicated to recent books, online papers and theses, and software.

Hang Su and Monika Bednarek maintain the Appraisal Bibiography. It is available for download.

The Systemic Language Modelling Network’s publications list is gradually growing to incorporate work on languages other than English.  

Publications and other resources noting SFL work in relation to LCT can be found on the LCT website.

The educational semiotics website lists both publications and resources using SFL.

The archive of the Network Newsletter, Cardiff University, can be found here.

Educational resources

On Intonation: Listening for Meaning: A Guide to Analysing Intonation in English (by Brad Smith). The full playlist can be viewed at the YouTube link here.

Other links

Links to other interesting sites can be found here.

A blog on systemic theory maintained by Chris Cléirigh can be found here.

A new journal, Language, Context and Text | The Social Semiotics Forum, published with Benjamins, can be found here.