Working Group
Chair: Yaegan Doran
Members: David Butt, Helen Caple, Frances Christie, Geoff Williams
The Halliday & Hasan Archive Working Group has been formed to carry out ground work on the establishment of a permanent archive of unpublished materials from the estates of Professor MAK Halliday and Professor Ruqaiya Hasan. You can read more about this work in this article published in Language, Context and Text. The Social Semiotics Forum. We have secured a permanent home for the Halliday & Hasan Archive in the National Library of Australia. Once the cataloguing is completed, we will arrange for an official handover to the NLA.
The Working Group meets once a fortnight and is currently working on the cataloguing, archiving and digitization of the collection of materials, which is being funded largely through donations from members of the SFL community. If you would like to support our efforts and are located in Australia or have access to an Australian bank account, you can make a donation to the H&H Archive Fund here. For international donors, if you have an international bank account (e.g. Wise), you can make a donation using that. Alternatively, we have set up a PayPal account where you can make a donation in AUD. A link to PayPal is also on our donations page.
The Working Group is a sub-committee of ASFLA, and reports directly to the ASFLA Executive. The work we are undertaking is guided by an Ethical Charter. We also seek regular advice from ISFLA.
If you have any questions about the project, leads as to where we can access materials that are held by others, or would like to get involved in any way, please get in touch with the Pro tem Chair of the group, Yaegan Doran.
Caple, H., Butt, D., Christie, F. and Doran Y.J. (2023). Archiving an academic legacy : The Halliday and Hasan Archive project. Language, Context and Text. The Social Semiotics Forum, 5(1): 2-15.